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“I am dedicated to finding positive solutions to improve our Country by starting in our communities and State!”
– William Wallis
The William Wallis for America Show

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| Frank Speech …The Voice of FREE SPEECH |
THE William Wallis for AMERICA SHOW
Ten years ago, I wanted to be the next right wing conservative talk show host, so I started a radio show and went on the air. I spent years talking the talk of right-wing ideologies and repeating anything I heard on right-sided news channels. However, I got tired of just repeating and feeling like I wasn’t making a difference in the movement. Then I ran for office for the state legislature in my area. I thought everyone was going to look like me, think like me, be like me, and believe what I believe. We all live in the same community, so we must be alike. Right? Right? Well, I was the candidate that knocked on every door because I believed in retail politics, shake everyone’s hand, meet them personally, and ask everyone for their vote. And what I got was totally different than what I expected. I found that many neighbors were different from me, didn’t think like me, some were liberal, some made different choices than me, some had different lifestyles than me, there were gay neighbors, interracial, different colors, same sex marriages, different religions, and the list of differences go on. But I talked to all of them the same. And what I found was how much we have in common, how many of the same things we agree on, and how united we actually are if we talk to each other. So I re-dedicated my radio show to finding things we can unite on. Freedom, Liberty, and good government. Now, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t give up my conservative values, nor did I give up my right leaning ideologies. And I certainly didn’t give up my Constitution hugging, America loving, free market capitalism believing, second amendment supporting, pro-life values. I simply started looking for the things we can unite on to save America and the freedoms we all enjoy from anyone trying to take them and destroy this great Country by robbing us of our liberties and pursuit of our happiness and destinies. And the best part about it is I didn’t have to give up or compromise my beliefs to find the things we agree on.
There are more of us than we realize. Conservative values cross all party lines, gender, religion, and even narratives. And we need to ignore the narratives. We can agree on more than we realize without giving up our own beliefs, values, and ideologies. We can all agree on freedom, and those of us that do will keep America safe for everyone.
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| Frank Speech …The Voice of FREE SPEECH |
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